generally only wear 20% of the clothes we own 80% of the time. • Dining Areas — Clear off any flat surfaces, including the dining table, leaving only subtle décor such as a vase of flowers. Keep the furniture dusted. • Living Areas — Gather stacks of books, magazines, remotes, toys and gaming gadgets, and pillows and throws to clear all flat surfaces. Pack away unnecessary items and store magazines and electronics in decorative bins. Fold and drape throws on chairs. • Office Space — Organization is the focus for office space. Overflowing shelves do not reflect useful space. Keep all personal papers stored out of sight. Clear the desk to create a space where concentration and work are easy tasks. • Linen Closets — Organize and clean out old towels, sheets, pillows, and blankets. Store seasonal blankets, clothes, and outerwear off-site. Keep linens to a minimum. • Laundry Room —Whether your washer and dryer are in the basement, laundry room, or closet, your laundry area should be neat and organized. Use shelving bins to organize detergent, bleach, and dryer sheets. Never leave clothes on the floor. Refrain from using the tops of the appliances for storage. • Garage — Although cleaning the garage may be the most daunting task when preparing your house for sale, it can be as simple as getting rid of things you haven’t touched in years. Boxes of broken toys, useless sports gear, and rusty tools all seem to migrate to the dark corners of the garage. This is the best time to donate or discard. Other items like paint, extra tiles for the floor, and bicycles can be shelved


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