Table Of Contents


Why Should You Read This Book?



Does Listing Price Matter?



What To Avoid



Why It's So Easy To Sell Your Home For Less Than It's Worth



What Stops Perfect Homes From Selling



How To Sell A Home That Didn't Sell — Without Dropping The Price 14


Avoid This Rule At Your Own Risk



Why This 20% Rule Applies To Hard-To-Sell Homes



Grabbing Any Buyer's Attention


10. Luxury Home-Seller Strategy Sells Homes For 15% More Money


11. Why Home Staging Really Matters


12. Make Your Home Spotless


13. Details Win Home Sales


14. Important Features Of A Home


15. Why Pictures Of Your Home Can Stop It From Selling


16. The 3-Step Formula I Use To Sell Homes Others Couldn't Sell 54

17. Why Billionaires Homes Sell And Yours Can Too! 58

18. Negotiation Mistakes


19. Simple Negotiation Ideas


20. CASE STUDY: This Big Mistake Cost One Home Seller $36,000


21. Read This Before You Sign A Contract With A Buyer


22. Should You Consider Hiring A Real Estate Agent?


Introduction Hello, prospective seller! If you're reading this, it's likely because your previous attempts to sell your home were unsuccessful. You may also be feeling a sense of apprehension about embarking on this journey once again. The encouraging news is that I'm here to assist you! As an experienced real estate professional, I simplify the selling process by providing you with valuable insights to maximize your home's value and minimize its time on the market. You now have easy access to these valuable insights. My role is to simplify and streamline the selling process for you as a homeowner. Drawing from my extensive experience in the real estate field, I have accumulated valuable insider insights to help you maximize your home's value while minimizing the time it spends on the market. Now, you have access to all of this valuable information at your fingertips. Have you ever wondered how someone you know, who owns an ordinary house in an average neighborhood, managed to sell their property well above market value? The answer lies not in luck but in their collaboration with an exceptional REALTOR®. Within the pages of this book, you'll discover: • An overview of the sales process • Secret strategies to sell your home for more money • Common mistakes to avoid • Marketing techniques employed by top agents • Advice on how to appeal to today’s buyers • Tips for upgrading with the greatest return on investment • A negotiation guide to get more money • And much, much more


Certainly, you have the option to implement these strategies independently. However, I highly recommend engaging a licensed professional to execute them on your behalf. While selling your home can undoubtedly be a demanding task, this book (along with my assistance) is designed to facilitate a swift and effortless process for you.


About ETTA Etta is a native of a small Texan town but spent most of her childhood in California. With a military father and a mother in the medical field, she grew up watching her family work diligently to create a good life. Inspired by their dedication, she adopted the same work ethic. Her great aunt, Ettalene Wilson, an English teacher and pianist, imparted invaluable wisdom. She urged Etta to pursue an education, believing it would help her achieve her dreams and inspire others. Ettalene stressed the importance of focus, determination, and hard work. Etta admired her aunt's respected role as an educator and her willingness to share knowledge. Etta heeded her aunt's advice, earning a Bachelor's of Arts degree and a Masters in Business Administration. Her dedication to excellence extends to serving others. After a 25-year career in the pharmaceutical industry, Etta embarked on her second career in real estate, a field she is deeply passionate about. She obtained her Florida State Real Estate License in 2013 and specializes in assisting buyers and sellers in Southwest Florida. Her innovative approach, combined with her sales and marketing expertise, consistently delivers outstanding results. Known for her strong work ethic, boundless energy, and positive demeanor, she is highly sought after by sellers, first-time home buyers, new home construction sales, resale homes, and investors. Throughout her career, Etta has earned several accolades, including Certified Sales Representative Specialist, Rising Star for 2022 and 2023, President's Club Award Winner, and Circle


of Excellence Award Recognition.

Etta resides in Lakewood Ranch, Florida, where she balances her dedication to real estate with quality time spent with her family across different states. In her leisure, she enjoys tennis, dancing, and dining out with friends. • Sales Representative Specialist (SRS) • Accredited Buyers Representative (ABR)

• Marquis Who's Who Listee 2023 • Rising Star for 2022 and 2023 • President’s Club Award Winner • Circle of Excellence Award Recognition


CHAPTER 1 Why Should You Read This Book? ead This Book? Ever wondered why one house finds a buyer in no time, while a nearly identical one lingers on the market? What's the reason behind one house selling at $315,000 while its twin, with no apparent differences, fetches $329,000? It can seem perplexing, but this phenomenon occurs regularly. The reality is that homes with similar features and attributes often sell at divergent prices. This phenomenon isn't confined to specific regions; it unfolds across the entire nation, from bustling markets to more modest locales. Surely, there must be a rationale behind this disparity! These variations in selling prices don't happen by chance. There's no secret magic trick that bestows better deals on one seller over another. Quite the opposite, achieving higher prices and quicker sales results from meticulous planning. Sellers can indeed command higher prices for their homes by employing the right techniques. A handful of straightforward strategies, known to top-notch sellers and agents, can have a substantial impact on your selling success. In the forthcoming chapters, you will see how each strategy materializes through real-life examples. Homes introduced to the market with these tactics consistently secure swift sales and higher price tags—even if they previously struggled to sell. This book equips you with the knowledge needed to apply this winning formula to your home sale. When you're ready to sell, you'll have the tools to leverage these techniques. Simply follow the same formula for your own home sale. 1

Thank you for investing your time in reading this book. My sincere hope is that it empowers you to maximize your home's selling potential and increase your profits. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out—I'm here to assist you every step of the way.


CHAPTER 2 Does Listing Price Matter? Are you tired of hearing that your home didn't sell because it was "overpriced"? Most people assume that an unsold home was priced too high, but in reality, that's often not the case. The common misconception is that homes linger on the market primarily due to pricing, when in fact, it's often inadequate marketing that's to blame. Selling a property at its full market value is no simple feat. Buyers are always on the lookout for a bargain, armed with a wealth of information at their fingertips. While you may need to negotiate the price with a potential buyer, effective marketing can entice them to offer the full asking price.

Consider this example:

John attempted to sell his house, initially listing it at $499,900. He enlisted the services of a reputable agent who made a commendable effort to market his home. The property was showcased with high-quality photographs, and the marketing campaign was top-notch, encompassing extensive online and print advertising, as well as an open house event. However, despite these efforts, the property failed to attract a buyer. John's agent suggested a price adjustment since most similar homes in the area were priced between $400,000 and $450,000. The agent recommended reducing the price to $450,000. 3

But John believed his home stood out as one of the finest in the neighborhood, boasting unique features not found in other homes. He was reluctant to lower the price. John decided to try another agent, who also struggled to sell the property and suggested the same course of action: reducing the price.

At this juncture, John had two options:

Option #1: Lower the price, as most agents advised him to do, acknowledging that his home might not be worth what he desired, and hoping to be more reasonable at $450,000. Option #2: Engage an agent capable of selling the home at its true value, employing marketing techniques that would excite a buyer enough to pay the full price. Thankfully, John opted for the second choice. He reached out to an agent specialized in selling properties that had stumped other agents. This agent hailed from a leading real estate company, boasting numerous accolades. Upon evaluating John's home, the agent agreed to list it at the same price as the previous agents had. However, this time, things took a different turn. Sixty-three days later, the property sold for $480,000, leaving the previous agents astonished. They had insisted that John's home was worth no more than $450,000. Typically, most homes sell slightly below their asking price, so an initial asking price of $450,000 would likely have resulted in a final sale price of $430,000 to $440,000. Yet, the new agent successfully secured a higher sale price in just two months, leaving the previous agents baffled and somewhat embarrassed.

What had the previous agents missed? Why did they fail to sell


the home while the third agent succeeded?

The key difference was that the new agent employed a unique marketing strategy rarely utilized by most agents. The details of this marketing strategy will be explained in the following chapters. But first, it's essential to establish a fundamental point. Many people mistakenly believe that a house sells for its true "worth." In reality, a home's price is simply the final amount agreed upon by the buyer and seller. Numerous factors influence this final sale price.

Homes do not always sell for their perceived "worth."

Sometimes they sell for more. Sometimes they sell for less.

While this may seem obvious, it's crucial to understand this concept. Discard notions that "worth" solely determines a home's sale price, allowing you to explore the actual factors at play and leverage them to your advantage. Consider Rachel and James, who owned townhouses located just five doors apart. Both placed their homes on the market simultaneously, featuring identical floor plans and layouts. At first glance, both townhouses appeared equally appealing to buyers. One might assume they were "worth" the same amount, but that wasn't the case. Rachel and James sold their homes within a month of each other, yet there was a significant $14,000 difference in their sale prices.

Rachel sold her home for $315,000. James, on the other hand, sold his for only $329,000.


Why such a substantial price gap? In a later chapter, you'll discover precisely what Rachel did to maximize her home's selling price. For now, it's crucial to recognize that estimating a home's "worth" is a risky endeavor! KEY TAKEAWAYS: • Homes that don't sell easily aren't always overpriced. • The selling price of a home is determined by the final agreement between the buyer and seller. • Skilled agents utilize special techniques to expedite sales and secure higher prices.


CHAPTER 3 What to Avoid

Allow me share another example of a regrettable blunder that led to a seller losing a staggering $50,000 on their home sale. Yes, you read that correctly - a whopping $50,000! A vigilant buyer managed to acquire a property valued at $380,000 for a mere $330,000. This property was being sold by an owner who resided out of town. Unfortunately, the agent the seller hired was unfamiliar with the local area and suggested this significantly lower price. To compound the issue, the agent didn't even bother to place a sign on the property, resulting in very few people being aware of its availability. Interestingly, two different buyers expressed interest in purchasing this property. One of them, in particular, was highly enthusiastic because it was right next to his current residence, offering a larger yard for his children to enjoy. The other prospective buyer was a local resident seeking a larger yard to build a new home. The first buyer acted swiftly, submitting an offer as soon as he learned of the property's availability. The seller accepted this offer promptly, even though the buyer would have willingly paid the full market value. No need to do so, as the seller agreed to the offered price. Unfortunately, the second buyer remained oblivious to the property's availability until after it had already been sold. Even 7

worse, the seller remained unaware of the missed opportunity.

In summary: The seller lost a staggering $50,000 due to the incompetence of their agent. While such stories may not be an everyday occurrence, they happen more frequently than one might expect. It's a substantial risk when you engage an agent who lacks a proven marketing plan. Simply having a sign on the property could have garnered more interest, possibly sparking a competitive bidding scenario that could have driven the price back up to its fair market value.

Here's a similar incident to illustrate the point:

In this case, a seller enlisted an agent whose lack of competence cost her $25,000. The agent mishandled what should have been a "perfect offer." The buyer had submitted a full-price offer for the seller's home without any contingencies. Regrettably, the agent fumbled the opportunity by allowing a minor issue—something easily resolved—to derail what would have been a successful sale. The property remained on the market for an additional year and eventually sold for $15,000 less than the initial full-price offer. Even more disheartening, the seller had to continue making mortgage payments for another 15 months while her home sat unsold and unoccupied. Ongoing mortgage payments are an often overlooked cost when a buyer isn't secured promptly. Please take the time to understand the true value of your home, do your due diligence, and prepare thoroughly before listing your property. The good news is that by reading this book, you're already ahead of the curve!


CHAPTER 4 Why It's So Easy to Sell Your Home our Home for Less Than It's Worth At some point, numerous home sellers contemplate giving up and thinking, "I'll just lower the price and be done with this house."

Thankfully, rationality usually prevails.

The temptation to "throw in the towel" can affect even highly intelligent individuals. Here's an illustrative example: In 1997, entrepreneurs Larry Page and Sergey Brin were in search of a buyer for their internet search engine, initially named BackRub. They were seeking $1.6 million for their innovative online portal and had discussions with Excite, a prominent search engine of that era. However, Excite faced a predicament—BackRub was an exceptionally effective search engine. Users swiftly found what they were looking for and promptly exited the site, which posed a challenge for Excite's advertising business. In response, Page and Brin significantly slashed the price by more than 50 percent, offering to sell BackRub for $750,000. Yes, even visionaries occasionally adjust their prices. Excite contemplated the offer but ultimately declined it. No deal was reached, prompting BackRub's co-founders to take matters into their own hands. They rebranded their creation, naming it Google. 9

Fast forward a little over two decades, and Google is now valued at approximately $1.7 trillion. In contrast, Excite was eventually sold to The key takeaway: Resist the urge to hastily reduce your price. Just because something isn't selling doesn't necessarily mean it isn't worth the price you're asking. This principle held true for Google, and it's likely applicable to your home as well. The fact that the ideal buyer hasn't surfaced yet doesn't imply they won't. Selling a home swiftly for top dollar is quite straightforward. You merely need to identify the one individual who values your home more than anyone else and is willing to pay a premium for it. If they desire it more than anyone else, they'll be inclined to offer a higher price than anyone else. KEY TAKEAWAYS: • Many sellers feel frustrated and reduce their price prematurely. • If your house isn't selling, it indicates that you haven't encountered the right buyer yet—the one who values your home enough to pay a premium.


CHAPTER 5 What Stops Perfect Homes from Selling om Selling

Ever pondered why your house hasn't found a buyer? As we delve deeper into this book, I'll unravel the likely reasons. Consider this: have you ever heard the saying, "Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door?" While it might initially seem accurate, it's actually quite far from the truth. Believe it or not, over 4,400 people have conceived what they believed to be a "better" mousetrap, as evident by the numerous patents filed with the U.S. Patent Office. Astonishingly, despite these novel mousetrap inventions, the classic design, first patented in 1894, continues to be the best-selling one. One can only imagine the frustration of those inventive minds exclaiming, "Why won't anyone buy my mousetrap? It's genius!" I'm sure you can relate to their exasperation. Have you ever found yourself thinking, "Why won't anyone buy my house? It's a fantastic home!" Fortunately, there is an answer to this inquiry. The axiom "One cannot toss a remarkable product onto the street and anticipate it to vanish into thin air" applies to inventions, residences, and even movies. Yes, even exceptional movies require effective marketing! Let me illustrate this with a compelling movie example.


In September 23, 1994, The Shawshank Redemption made its debut, a film adapted from a short story by the legendary author Stephen King. The narrative revolved around two imprisoned men. Now, over two decades later, The Shawshank Redemption stands as one of the greatest cinematic achievements in history. It even claims the top spot on the renowned and respected Internet Movie Database (, surpassing iconic titles like The Godfather, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, and Schindler's List. Interestingly, another movie was released in the same year - The Flintstones. This live-action adaptation of the 1960s cartoon featured stars like John Goodman, Rick Moranis, and Rosie O'Donnell. However, The Flintstones, to put it mildly, did not receive any Oscars nominations for Best Picture. A national film critic summed it up as "falling flatter then a granite slab." While the film was lauded for its costume and set design, it also found itself on the receiving end of "Razzie Awards" for Worst Female Performance and Worst Screenplay, along with a nomination for Worst Movie of 1994. User reviews on for The Flintstones are roughly half of what The Shawshank Redemption garners, and it's rated as one of the worst movies of the 1990s by users. The striking contrast lies in the marketing strategies. The Flintstones was shrewdly marketed to its target audience, resulting in a U.S. box office gross of $131 million and a worldwide total of $358 million. That's the undeniable power of precise marketing.

Conversely, the promotional team at Universal Studios,


responsible for The Shawshank Redemption, admitted they struggled to market the movie effectively to the public, despite having a remarkable product. The film grossed only $28 million in the U.S. box office and $60 million worldwide, ranking a mere 51st in box office success in 1994—just two spots ahead of "In the Army Now," starring Pauly Shore. Take a moment to absorb those numbers, and then consider them once more. Still skeptical about the importance of effective marketing and salesmanship?

Universal Studios certainly learned their lesson - even exceptional products require effective "selling."

Could it be that your home, a remarkable product, hasn't received the marketing it truly deserves? As we've discussed earlier in this book, the process of selling a home for top dollar, and quickly, is actually quite straightforward. All you need to do is find that one person who values your home above all others. If they covet it more than anyone else, they'll be willing to pay a premium price. KEY TAKEAWAYS: • Possessing a fantastic product, be it a house or a film, isn't sufficient. • Whether its homes or movies, the power of targeted marketing cannot be underestimated.


CHAPTER 6 How to Sell a Home That Didn't Sell — Without 't Sell — Without Dropping the Price Selling your home without resorting to a price reduction is entirely feasible. Here's a little secret I'll share with you: the conventional approach is flawed. It operates on the mistaken belief that if you expose your house to a wide audience, someone will inevitably purchase it. While attracting more potential buyers does improve the chances of a sale, it doesn't guarantee one. The crux of the matter is this: not everyone is interested in buying your home, at least not at its market value. Some might covet it for a bargain price, and even if they despised it, they'd still be willing to purchase it at half the price, with the intention of flipping it for a quick profit. The key to securing top dollar lies in discovering that buyer who desires your home so profoundly that they're prepared to pay the full asking price. On rare occasions, luck may even lead you to a buyer willing to pay more than the asking price. Yes, it has happened, particularly during hot market phases.

However, the majority of sellers become overly fixated on


disseminating information about their home to a broad audience, inadvertently overlooking the most crucial aspect. You must identify that one exceptional buyer. The question then becomes: How do you locate the ideal buyer? First and foremost, you must grasp a universal principle that we are about to delve into and understand its role in attracting those perfect buyers. KEY TAKEAWAYS: • The conventional selling approach relies on the flawed premise that broadcasting your home to a wide audience guarantees a sale. • In reality, your aim should be to identify the one buyer who desires your home so passionately that they are willing to pay the full asking price.


CHAPTER 7 Avoid This Rule at Your Own Risk

The key to a successful home-selling approach traces its roots back to a revolutionary concept introduced by an Italian economist of great significance, Vilfredo Pareto. At the core of his teachings lies the Pareto Principle, more commonly recognized as the 80/20 rule, which has wide-ranging applications across various facets of life. In 1906, Vilfredo Pareto stumbled upon a fascinating correlation that sparked his curiosity. While tending to his garden, he noticed that a mere 20 percent of the pea pods contained a remarkable 80 percent of the seeds. This observation prompted him to delve deeper into the implications of this ratio. Upon further investigation, he made a noteworthy revelation: a staggering 80 percent of the land in his region was owned by just 20 percent of the population. This pivotal insight led him to recognize that this ratio had profound relevance in numerous aspects of life, culminating in the formulation of what we now refer to as the Pareto Principle or the 80/20 rule. In essence, this principle emphasizes that the 20 percent is the crux, while the remaining 80 percent holds relatively less significance.

Consider these practical examples:

-Approximately 80 percent of your income stems from just 20 16

percent of your efforts. - Around 80 percent of a business's revenue originates from a mere 20 percent of its customers. - Roughly 80 percent of the wealth is concentrated within the top 20 percent of the population. - In the realm of markets, roughly 80 percent of the demand is met by a select 20 percent of suppliers. You might be wondering about the practical implications of this principle. In essence, it signifies that approximately 20 percent of your endeavors or features matter significantly, while the remaining 80 percent holds lesser importance. It's crucial to recognize that the precise ratio need not always adhere to a strict 80/20 split; it can manifest as 70/30 or in various other proportions. The key takeaway is that the two numbers are distinctly uneven, with the smaller percentage often resembling 20 percent. Understanding this concept can prove invaluable when selling your home. Regrettably, many sellers erroneously embrace the belief that more equates to better, overlooking the profound insights offered by the Pareto Principle. So, how can you practically apply the 80/20 principle to the sale of your home? When you leverage the 80/20 principle in your home-selling strategy, you move away from attempting to persuade buyers with every single feature of your home. Instead, you recognize that, in accordance with this rule, only 20 percent of your home's attributes hold significant sway. The remaining 80 percent are less impactful. The reason for this is that these attributes likely resemble those found in many other homes within your neighborhood. Rather


than dwelling on these commonplace features, your focus should shift towards highlighting the unique and exceptional qualities of your home. In the process of selling your home, directing attention towards these distinctive features will captivate the interest of potential buyers. These standout attributes set your home apart from the rest, facilitating the sale of your property at the full asking price. To illustrate the real-world impact of the 80/20 rule in the context of selling your home, let's delve into a few practical examples. KEY TAKEAWAYS: • Rooted in the 80/20 rule, approximately 80 percent of outcomes result from just 20 percent of contributing factors. • Applying this principle, buyers will concentrate on 20 percent of your home's attributes, while the remaining 80 percent are often shared by other homes in the market.


CHAPTER 8 Why This 20% Rule Applies ule Applies to Hard-To-Sell Homes o-Sell Homes

Let's delve into a hypothetical scenario to illustrate a crucial point in the home-selling process. Imagine there's a prospective buyer on the lookout for a three-bedroom, two-bathroom home—a fairly common search criteria in the real estate market. Now, let's assume this buyer's diligent agent has curated a selection of five houses for them to consider. Each of these homes ticks the general boxes in terms of the buyer's preferences and is conveniently located in their desired area. Accompanied by their agent, the buyer embarks on a journey to visit these five homes. At first glance, these houses may appear quite similar, boasting comparable features and prices. You might presume that the buyer would face a challenging decision, given the apparent uniformity. However, this is rarely the case in reality. In practice, no two houses are precisely alike, thanks to the ever- present influence of the 80/20 rule. Let's illustrate this with an example: imagine that four out of the five houses lack a pool, while one hidden gem boasts this coveted feature. Curiously, the agent neglects to mention the pool to the buyer. The buyer proceeds to inspect the four pool-less houses, finding none particularly captivating. However, when they reach the fifth house and lay eyes on the enticing pool, a remarkable transformation occurs. Suddenly, the buyer is not just interested; they are enthusiastic and ready to make an offer. They might 19

even be willing to pay the full asking price, despite this house being pricier than the others. The 80/20 rule, in this instance, underpins the sale of this home. Regrettably, much time and effort were expended in the search for the perfect property. Had the agent recognized the significance of identifying the 20 percent difference, they could have saved a considerable amount of time, and this house might have been the buyer's first stop. As a seller, you can harness the power of this rule to your advantage by emphasizing distinctive characteristics of your home within your marketing strategy. Allow me to present a real-life case in point. An agent was tasked with assisting a client visiting from out of town who had not yet defined specific criteria for their prospective home. Instead, the buyer expressed a general fondness for the area. Throughout the day, the agent diligently showcased various properties, yet the buyer consistently proposed offers ranging from 10 to 20 percent below the asking price. It became evident that the entire day was verging on becoming a fruitless endeavor, much to the agent's dismay. As dusk approached, they reached their final destination—a rather unremarkable house with little curb appeal. The house's outward appearance did not elicit much enthusiasm. The agent's options seemed exhausted. However, this seemingly plain house would ultimately break down the buyer's stubborn negotiating stance. To everyone's surprise, the buyer was suddenly willing to offer the full asking price! You might wonder what set this particular house apart from the others. It was not a newfound affinity for unattractive homes; it was, once again, the intervention of the 80/20 rule.


Throughout the day, the agent and the buyer had examined houses that shared roughly 80 percent of the same features. For the buyer, the minutiae of these details held little significance. A bedroom was a bedroom in their eyes. What made this ordinary-looking house extraordinary was a single remarkable feature. As one entered the great room, a magnificent window framed a breathtaking view from atop a hill, with the sun setting below the distant tree line. It was this view that sold the buyer, rendering all other attributes irrelevant. The decision to purchase hinged solely on the hill and the view it afforded. The buyer ceased negotiations and promptly offered the full asking price, illustrating the potency of the 80/20 rule in action. Learn to harness the potential of this rule, and you need not settle for anything less than your asking price. Identify a unique selling point and spotlight it in your marketing endeavors. Buyers who fall in love with a particular feature are far less likely to engage in price negotiations. In certain instances, the 80/20 rule can even facilitate a sale without the necessity of a physical showing. This not only simplifies the process but also saves a significant amount of time. Consider a situation where a house had languished on the market for several months. In stark contrast to the previous house, this property was not unattractive. On the contrary, it was a brand-new, custom-built home. Yet, it remained conspicuously unsold for over seven months, without a single offer to its name. Perplexed by this prolonged stagnation, the builder made the decision to part ways with their original agent and enlist the services of a new one. Fortunately, this new agent understood


the pivotal importance of identifying that distinctive feature. They embarked on an investigative mission to thoroughly evaluate the property. What they discovered had the potential to transform the entire situation. The house came with a sprawling five-acre yard, a rarity within the local market. Contrary to the other listings, which featured smaller one- to two-acre lots, this property not only offered more space but also a heightened level of privacy. With this newfound perspective, the real estate agent opted to showcase the five-acre lot as the property's primary selling point. They emphasized these unique qualities in their marketing efforts, steering the focus away from the house itself. The outcome was nothing short of astonishing. The agent's phone rang off the hook, and within no time, a buyer expressed keen interest. This potential buyer was relocating from a distance, and though initially unimpressed by the house, the moment they learned of the expansive five-acre lot, their enthusiasm skyrocketed. In fact, they were so motivated that they submitted an offer, despite being situated over 1,000 miles away and never having set foot on the property in person. Their concern was that someone else might seize this opportunity before them, making it the perfect home. The entire sale was concluded within a mere 45 days. The builder was left astounded by this sudden turn of events. His once seemingly unsellable house, which had languished on the market for almost eight months without any signs of interest, had now found its eager buyer, sight unseen, all thanks to the 80/20 rule.

By centering the marketing focus on the five-acre lot, the real


estate agent managed to capture immediate attention from prospective buyers. The house had transitioned from an unsellable entity to the hottest property on the market, albeit for a brief period. Avoid making ads that mimic neighboring homes. Highlight a unique aspect of your home to attract serious, full-price buyers. When you sell to genuinely interested buyers, your home becomes more appealing, and you'll find yourself showing it less frequently. You will also receive fewer lowball offers from indifferent buyers, resulting in a smoother and less stressful selling process. With this in mind, it's crucial to invest time in identifying the most appealing and unique features of your home. Compare these attributes to those of other homes in your neighborhood to truly comprehend what sets your property apart.

Potential Unique Features:

1. Water views: A captivating vantage point can elevate your property's appeal. 2. Open fields: Properties overlooking open fields frequented by wildlife can hold immense allure. 3. Sunset views: A home with an unobstructed view of the sunset can be highly desirable. 4. Lanais: Larger or more attractive lanais compared to neighboring homes can make a difference. 5. Location within a complex: A distinct location within a housing complex, such as a larger yard or proximity to a lake or fountain, can set your property apart. 6. Private lots: Partial concealment by trees or proximity to an empty lot can be advantageous. 7. Yard size: A larger backyard can be a significant selling point. 8. Shade: Some buyers prefer properties with ample shade.


9. Fenced-in backyard: Families with children or pets often seek homes with fenced-in backyards. 10. Additional unique features: Consider elements like an extra- large garage, a swimming pool, or any distinctive quality that makes your home stand out from the rest. Incorporate these unique features into your marketing strategy, ensuring they take center stage. This targeted approach will capture the attention of potential buyers who are specifically seeking such attributes. Consequently, you'll spend less time showing your home to disinterested parties and more time engaging with motivated buyers willing to make a purchase. In essence, refrain from merely listing information without highlighting the 20 percent difference—it's the key to success in leveraging the 80/20 rule. KEY TAKEAWAYS: • No two houses are precisely alike, thanks to the 80/20 rule. • Buyers are drawn to and willing to pay more for unique features. • Unique features can encompass a wide range of attributes, from views and lot size to additional amenities. • Shift your marketing focus to highlight the distinctive aspects of your home to attract interested buyers. • Identifying the 20 percent difference can streamline the selling process, reducing the need for extensive showings and lowball offers. • Take time to discover and market your home's most attractive and unique features by comparing them to neighboring properties.


CHAPTER 9 Grabbing Any Buyer's Attention Attracting your target market is a pivotal step in the home- selling process. While having the necessary information to promote your property is a strong foundation, it's essential to recognize that this is only the initial phase. Beyond gathering information, you must effectively present it in your listing. Mere inclusion of information is insufficient; it's crucial to ensure that prospective buyers actually notice it; otherwise, it won't serve its purpose.

Commence with a Captivating Picture

When visitors explore a real estate website, their initial impression of a property hinges on a split-second decision. This swift judgment occurs upon viewing the property's picture. In that fleeting moment, their brains instinctively signal either "yes" or "no." Should their brains signal "yes," they will likely click on the listing. Conversely, a "no" signal will prompt them to proceed to the next property. Your responsibility is to orchestrate a "yes" response when potential buyers encounter your property's picture. Achieving this entails capturing the home's unique features through photography and using one of these images as the primary display picture. The quality of this photograph must be top-notch. Certainly, not every visitor will express interest even after viewing your display picture. However, it's vital to remember that your focus should be on appealing to those who will 25

genuinely consider buying your property—not a generic audience. Efforts expended on attempting to attract individuals uninterested in your unique features are essentially futile.

Harness the Power of Descriptive Detail

Direct your attention to the property's description. Position one or two distinctive features right at the beginning of the description to ensure they immediately catch the reader's eye. You may also incorporate these features into your headline. This strategic approach serves to draw the right audience, enhancing the quality of leads. By implementing this tactic, you'll observe an improvement in the caliber of potential buyers. Your property will be showcased to individuals who are poised to make a purchase. This, in turn, will likely result in receiving more offers at or close to your asking price. While these outcomes are certainly favorable, there's yet another method to boost your sales.

Transforming a Negative into a Positive

Few things can derail a sale as effectively as a significant negative aspect. However, in many cases, it's possible to convert a negative into a positive. Consider the following example: Imagine owning a home constructed a decade ago. You're eager to sell it, but there's a challenge. A new development has recently emerged in your vicinity, offering brand-new homes that are remarkably similar to yours. The catch? These new properties come with a price tag roughly $40,000 higher than your asking price.

You anticipate that buyers will gravitate toward the new houses


purely because of their newness, which carries a perceived greater value. Buyers often fail to consider that, in five years, this advantage will have faded. Their once-new home will have aged, turning into a five-year-old property, while your residence will have reached the 15-year mark. But there's more to the equation. When these new homebuyers eventually decide to sell, they are unlikely to recoup the extra $40,000 spent on their initially new purchase. The allure of a brand-new home dissipates over time, and the additional cost incurred will not be recovered. Your opportunity lies in enlightening potential buyers about what they are overlooking. You have the means to educate them and ignite their interest in your property. To achieve this, you require an attention-grabbing approach that underscores the positive aspects of your residence. Craft an advertisement with a headline that boldly declares, "Don't Commit to a New House in (Development Name) Until You've Seen This Home." Subsequently, elaborate on the reasons why your property presents a compelling alternative. Certainly, cost savings is an obvious and noteworthy reason that should be emphasized. However, it's not the sole factor; there's more to the equation. Prepare a comprehensive list of features for both your home and the newer properties. Then, embark on a comparison from various perspectives. For instance, you can analyze the outdoor spaces. Newly constructed homes typically lack mature trees and landscaping. They might boast freshly planted grass, which translates to more effort and expenses. Another angle to explore is the neighborhood's atmosphere. New developments often buzz with construction activity and increased traffic. Position these aspects in a positive light by


highlighting the tranquility and peacefulness of your neighborhood. Some buyers will undoubtedly view this as a distinct appeal. These are merely a few instances of how you can reframe a negative aspect into a positive one. Keep in mind that you possess the capacity to control the narrative. Your role is to portray your home in a favorable light. By effectively attracting buyers genuinely intrigued by your property's features, you can sidestep competition, expedite the sales process, and maximize your profit. In conclusion, stay attuned to the 80/20 rule throughout the selling process, seeking out a unique selling point for your home. Concentrate your efforts on aspects that wield the greatest impact, and your success in the market will be assured. KEY TAKEAWAYS: • Incorporate captivating photographs that highlight your home's unique features in your advertising. • Position one or two special attributes at the forefront of your property description to grab the reader's attention immediately. • Even a negative aspect can be reframed into a positive selling point with the right approach. • Control the narrative by showcasing your home in a positive light, appealing to buyers specifically interested in your property's features. • Focusing on what makes the most substantial impact is the key to success, guided by the 80/20 rule.


CHAPTER 10 Luxury Home-Seller Strategy Sells egy Sells Homes for 15% Mor or 15% More Money "The wealthy and renowned employ this technique to sell their residences. Notably, a real estate agent recounted an instance where this approach led a condo to sell for $110,000 more than a nearly identical one in the same building! To delve into specifics, the condo employing this approach sold for $549,000, while the other, lacking this strategy, sold for $439,000. The question arises: what accounted for the price gap? The real estate agent, who was intimately familiar with both condos, ruled out factors like foreclosure, short sale, or distress sale. The most plausible explanation for the price difference was the seller's use of this home-selling strategy. This strategy proves effective in any market and across various property types, including homes, apartments, townhouses, and condos. Agents and sellers employing these tactics significantly enhance their chances of closing a sale, often at a higher value. Here’s how this particular real estate agent stumbled upon this undisclosed strategy. He encountered a wealthy executive interested in selling his condo, but under one condition: that the agent employ this unique method. Skepticism initially prevailed, but the prospect of a substantial commission prompted the agent to agree. They listed the condo at $554,900, even though similar condos in the same complex were listed considerably lower, at $479,000 and $439,000. At first, the agent harbored doubts about the condo realizing its 29

asking price of $554,900. Nevertheless, the owner's concealed strategy piqued his curiosity. As the condo hit the market, skepticism grew. Although it attracted regular viewings, no offers materialized, and visiting agents often deemed it overpriced compared to nearby options. This story is not fictional. The condo had no distinguishing features that set it apart from the others. It was situated on the sixth floor of a 10-floor complex, far from being a penthouse. Other agents were not wrong in asserting that the price was high. Despite this, the owner stood firm. After four months and numerous showings, a different buyer walked in, and this time was different. The buyer fell in love with the condo the moment they entered and made an offer before completing the tour. The agent couldn't believe what he had heard! He hurriedly called the owner, who accepted the offer. Although the agent began to worry that the buyer might realize they were overpaying, everything proceeded smoothly. The condo successfully sold for $549,000, setting a record high! This strategy was undoubtedly a huge success, leaving both the real estate agent and the owner delighted, as the latter made a substantial profit. The sale price exceeded that of a similar condo sold two and a half months earlier for $439,000, and it wasn't due to rapidly rising prices. A subsequent unit sold 28 days later for $435,000, though it was a less desirable second-floor unit. Five months later, another similar condo sold for $450,000. Would you like to employ this undisclosed strategy to sell your home for more money? It does require additional time and effort, but the results, as evident, are well worth it.


So, what's the secret strategy? What special request did the affluent home seller make to his agent? It's quite simple: staging. Staging entails enhancing a home's visual appeal, and it's proven to significantly boost sale prices. While many agents recommend staging, few can substantiate it with tangible evidence. Fortunately, this real estate agent's research validated the impact of staging on sale prices, culminating in a comprehensive report that shares the tactics learned from the wealthy seller, complete with compelling case studies.


Staging a home to look visually appealing can be the secret to selling a home for more money." • According to HomeAdvisor, homes that have been staged spend between 33% and 50% less time on the market. Also, according to The National Association of REALTORS® 2021 Profile of Home Staging, staging is about showcasing an engaging, move-in ready home that creates an emotional connection with the buyer. • Updating décor with on-trend, inviting style—particularly in living rooms, primary bedrooms, kitchens, and dining rooms—can make a memorable impression. Once engaged, buyers will be more committed and possibly willing to increase their offer, and they may be less likely to change their minds at the last minute or ask for concessions.


CHAPTER 11 Why Home Staging Really Matters


I aimed to provide you with the most compelling evidence available. Many individuals struggle to believe that the simple act of staging can lead one home to sell for more than a similar one. During my research, I sought instances of similar houses being sold at varying price points, with only one of the two homes undergoing staging.

The most evident example I found lies within these two property listings:

This charming development comprises 170 villas and has established itself as a sought-after community in the Sarasota area. Every villa in this neighborhood boasts a single-story design with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, though there are three slightly distinct floor plans available. Additionally, some feature two-car garages, while others offer one-car garages. I specifically examined two sales. The following sales featured identical floor plans, square footage, and both included two-car garages: 32

- Villa A sold on May 31st above the list price, achieving a 101% SP/LP ratio. - Villa B, located in close proximity, sold on May 25th for over $50,000 less and below the list price, with a 96% SP/LP ratio. I personally visited this neighborhood and am intimately familiar with these properties. It's nearly impossible to find a more perfect example of two identical properties selling at different prices. Every substantial aspect of these two homes is identical: - The lots they occupy are equally desirable in location. - Both homes feature the same style of kitchen, with no carpet in any of the rooms. - Each has a closed-in lanai with sliding glass doors from both the master bedroom and the living room. I meticulously scrutinized every facet of these sales to uncover what made the difference. There are two key reasons why one home sold for over $50,000 more: 1. Villa A underwent professional staging, enhancing its overall appeal. 2. The agent responsible for Villa A took higher quality and more attractive photographs of the property. In contrast, Villa B was not staged, resulting in somewhat cluttered rooms. Furthermore, the agent representing Villa B appeared to have used a smartphone to capture images, 33

resulting in low-quality, unflattering pictures.

These seemingly minor actions taken by the agent for Villa A accounted for the $50,000 difference in selling price. Buyers of Villa A were willing to offer more due to the agent's presentation, and the property was on the market for just 34 days. Conversely, Villa B lingered on the market for 75 days. Even simple measures can significantly impact a home's final selling price, and effective staging is one of those measures!

You have two staging options: o staging options:

Option 1: Do it yourself. You can learn how in the following chapter. Option 2: Employ a professional home stager. If you're considering professional assistance for your staging needs, feel free to contact me for a list of references. I'd be delighted to provide recommendations and information on skilled stagers who can assist you effectively. KEY TAKEAWAYS: • Staging has a documented track record of increasing a home's selling price. • After staging, it's crucial to capture high-quality photographs that showcase the results effectively. • You can acquire the skills to stage a house yourself or opt to hire a professional stager.


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