the pivotal importance of identifying that distinctive feature. They embarked on an investigative mission to thoroughly evaluate the property. What they discovered had the potential to transform the entire situation. The house came with a sprawling five-acre yard, a rarity within the local market. Contrary to the other listings, which featured smaller one- to two-acre lots, this property not only offered more space but also a heightened level of privacy. With this newfound perspective, the real estate agent opted to showcase the five-acre lot as the property's primary selling point. They emphasized these unique qualities in their marketing efforts, steering the focus away from the house itself. The outcome was nothing short of astonishing. The agent's phone rang off the hook, and within no time, a buyer expressed keen interest. This potential buyer was relocating from a distance, and though initially unimpressed by the house, the moment they learned of the expansive five-acre lot, their enthusiasm skyrocketed. In fact, they were so motivated that they submitted an offer, despite being situated over 1,000 miles away and never having set foot on the property in person. Their concern was that someone else might seize this opportunity before them, making it the perfect home. The entire sale was concluded within a mere 45 days. The builder was left astounded by this sudden turn of events. His once seemingly unsellable house, which had languished on the market for almost eight months without any signs of interest, had now found its eager buyer, sight unseen, all thanks to the 80/20 rule.

By centering the marketing focus on the five-acre lot, the real


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