CHAPTER 9 Grabbing Any Buyer's Attention Attracting your target market is a pivotal step in the home- selling process. While having the necessary information to promote your property is a strong foundation, it's essential to recognize that this is only the initial phase. Beyond gathering information, you must effectively present it in your listing. Mere inclusion of information is insufficient; it's crucial to ensure that prospective buyers actually notice it; otherwise, it won't serve its purpose.

Commence with a Captivating Picture

When visitors explore a real estate website, their initial impression of a property hinges on a split-second decision. This swift judgment occurs upon viewing the property's picture. In that fleeting moment, their brains instinctively signal either "yes" or "no." Should their brains signal "yes," they will likely click on the listing. Conversely, a "no" signal will prompt them to proceed to the next property. Your responsibility is to orchestrate a "yes" response when potential buyers encounter your property's picture. Achieving this entails capturing the home's unique features through photography and using one of these images as the primary display picture. The quality of this photograph must be top-notch. Certainly, not every visitor will express interest even after viewing your display picture. However, it's vital to remember that your focus should be on appealing to those who will 25

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