whether it was sound.

With a signed contract in place, you have a legal agreement that holds the buyer accountable. Without one, the buyer might walk away, leaving you with the need to relist and resell your home. This isn't to say you can't sell your home independently, but unless you have extensive experience selling properties, you may not be as well-prepared as a seasoned real estate agent. It makes sense to hire professionals for various aspects of daily life or business, so why not when it comes to selling your home? Selling a home is a substantial undertaking with potentially significant financial implications.

REASON #3: Time Savings

A skilled real estate agent can save you an incredible amount of time, estimated to be anywhere from 80 to 100 hours. Why? Because agents handle an array of tasks for you. They are well-versed in financing, loan conditions, home inspections, surveys, title work, termite inspections, appraisals, and negotiations, among other things. Some experts even suggest there are between 189 and 213 different tasks an agent performs during a home sale. The specific number can vary depending on the property. Still, it's safe to say that selling a home demands a considerable amount of time.

REASON #4: Problem Solving

Perhaps the most crucial role an agent plays is problem-solving. Just because a buyer expresses interest in your property doesn't guarantee they will successfully complete the purchase.


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