Modular homes are built inside and never get rained on. Rain and snow warps the wood and creates an environment for mold. The modular employees are paid to do a line job. They are trained to do one thing and to do it well. A skilled carpenter gets paid three times as much to climb ladders and hand build the walls and trusses. They deserve more, it's dangerous up there. When it rains a field carpenter has to pack up his tools and generator and electric saws and head home. When it rains at the factory the modular home does not skip a beat. The home stays dry, the work continues and the house gets built on time and on budget. Environmental waste is nearly eliminated in modular construction. Recycle bins and sawdust vacuums eliminate waste. Field construction requires a dumpster and every house fills the dumpster to the top. Then its off to the landfill. Modular homes can run multiple shifts. When the first crew is finished a second or even third crew steps right in. The tools are already in place at the station and work begins with no delays for setting up. Theft is eliminated. A field contractor often looses tools, lumber to theft or vandalism. Doesn't happen in a guarded modular factory with doors that you can lock. Which saw cut will be 100% correct every time? A carpenter on top of a 20' ladder hanging on with one hand and using his reciprocal saw with the other or a modular contractor standing


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