BRENDA KIELBRATOWSKI, REALTOR® - Selling with Confidence: Your Halifax Home Selling Guide to Top Dollar

when accepting or countering offers.

Receiving Multiple Offers

Receiving multiple offers can be a blessing, but must be handled masterfully. When we receive more than one offer on your home, I will contact the first agent and let them know that we have received another offer. The only person who can change what they offered is the first buyer in because they were not competing at the time of submission. Subsequent offers I will let the agent know we already have one offer and invite their clients to bring forward their highest and best offer. This strategy can sometimes generate offers that are above our list price! I always bear in mind that multiple offers can backfire and send skittish buyers heading for the hills. Consider all the conditions also, high price is not always the best offer. Don’t worry, I’m a deal maker not a deal breaker! I won’t allow the deal to fall flat. Remember “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”.

Lowball Offers

It is perfectly normal and common to become emotionally upset when you receive an offer that is far below what you consider to be “acceptable”. However my advice is to take a step back and relook at the situation. Don’t be upset with the buyer who made an offer. Instead, be upset with all the people who have looked at your home and didn’t bother to make an offer. A low offer is simply an invitation to negotiate.



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