180,000 KW agents in over 35 countries.
- 'Featured Listing’ Exposure - Your home featured prominently on my website in my Featured Properties section. Did You Know? – Buyers make their decision when they look at the presentation online that I do of your home and decide whether they want to see it or not. As a lot of people are pessimistic their eye is automatically drawn to something they don’t like and most of them are not visionaries. I’ve had buyers skip over a property because of the paint colour. Can they paint? Sure. Do they want to paint? Most do not want that large task to take on as soon as they move in. -Weekly and Monthly e-Newsletter - My e-newsletter is sent to my database of past clients and my sphere of influence each Friday and monthly. It features a myriad of information, from real estate related, life articles, vacation spots to recipes. -Electronic Feedback System - Whenever your home is shown, I send an electronic survey to the showing agent. I encourage the agents to provide feedback on the showing so that you know exactly what buyers are thinking and saying about your home. I relay the information as given and can at times get a critique that prompts a change. I value getting the ‘Buyer’s Eyes’ perspective.
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