money you owed. The lender might not keep the full sale price of the home because of your default on the loan. However, the lender keeps all fees from the foreclosure and from the balance owed. Any remaining amount is paid directly to you, if there are no existing liens on the property. If there are existing liens, the money will go straight to paying the balance due for those amounts. Selling your house will also save you from a bad credit score, which means you might be able to buy another house as soon as you’re back on your feet. Here are some do’s and don’ts about selling your home to avoid foreclosure:
Do: Try to separate your emotions from the home sale
• If selling your home is your best bet to get a little cash out of it, then you need to make the most out of the sale. • This is understandably a very emotional time for you. You’re about to lose your house, the place you’ve called home for probably years — a home where you’ve collected a lot of memories and a home that you’re just not ready to let go. • While getting emotional during the sale is expected and normal, it’s important that you keep emotions out of the sale so that you’re able to sell your house for the highest amount in the shortest amount of time possible. So, get aggressive, and get your home sold fast! • To get your home sold, take these three factors into consideration: pricing, marketing, and condition. Below are some easy steps and insider secrets to make your home fly off the market in record time.
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