Facing questions on the pricing of your home should not be difficult if you have put serious thought into your asking price. If you based it on professional market value estimates, tell them. Do not forget to point out recent sales of comparable homes and the improvements you’ve made. Competitive offers from other interested buyers is a concern for a home shopper. If they ask you about this, briefly state that there is interest but “nothing on paper.” Don’t be specific about where you are in the process with other prospective buyers. Buyers may be inquisitive as to why your home has not sold yet, and you can tell them you are waiting for the perfect buyer (like them!). Almost invariably, they will ask for the lowest price you will take or if the price is negotiable. Let them know you have not had much time to think about it. In turn, ask what price they had in mind, adding “as long as the offer is negotiable.” Dealing with the buyers, keep this objective in mind. Answer questions thoughtfully but vaguely, without revealing much. Managing your responses by asking them questions in return works well. Always attempt to get the other party to reveal their thoughts. On a side note, some real estate agents will want information from the listing agent. If a buyer agent contacts your agent, he may be looking to exchange sensitive information to get the sale. Have a discussion with your agent so you can trust him or her in all phases of the sale.


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