Where should I store my tractors and equipment?

The answer is - In a separate building or at the very least under an exterior covered lean-to! Some of the equipment we use to make our chores easier is not beneficial to our barns air quality. Barns are usually built so the aisles are wide enough to admit tractors and manure spreaders. Fumes from exhaust and spilled fuel will quickly contaminate the air. Leaf blowers as quick, easy alternatives to the pitch fork or push broom but they too contaminate the air quality of your barn. Fire hazard from a gas or diesel powered tractor is another concern with using one barn for everything. This is true for hay storage as well. Remember that most fire companies will not even spray water on a hay fire. It is almost impossible to extinguish. What do I need to know to keep my horse healthy? Horses are herd animals and by their nature need to be with other horses whenever possible. We suggest a barn with open stalls where your horse can see other horses. Your horse is naturally frightened of things it cannot see. A horses instinct is to run from danger, in our modern world there are no wild mountain lions but there is still the perception of danger and if they cannot see out of their stall then any noise becomes a potential stressor. We concentrate on designing stalls that reduce stress for horses. As a herd animal the horse has survival instincts that are over activated when we isolate the animal.

A herd provides protection from predators. The feel, sight and


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