The following are some of the basic aspects you’ll need to consider when designing your indoor ring. STANDALONE OR COMBINED? Riding rings can stand alone, adjoin the barn or serve as a combined barn and arena structure. Which is best for you will depend on your riding plans as well as your property layout and existing buildings. If your current barn serves all of your needs and has room for growth, adding a separate building next to it or nearby may serve your needs. If you’ve outgrown your barn, you may want to add stables to your new structure. Riding rings do generate a lot of dust, which can be a disadvantage of combining your barn with your arena. If your riding ring will stand alone, you’ll probably want to locate it close to the barn to make things easier for horses and riders in bad weather. On the other hand, if you host large shows you may want to distance the arena from your private stable areas.

Some owners don’t have space alongside the barn for an arena,


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