4. Are your doors locked or chained shut?

5. Does your family know your local emergency number for fire- police-ambulance? 6. Do you have these emergency numbers posted near your phones and at all barn entrances?

7. Do you have a fire extinguisher near every door of your barn?

8. Do you keep flammable liquids in only approved containers and out of your home in a s e in a separate outbuilding? 9. Is your hay storage in a s e in a separate building away from your animals? 10. Are your light bulbs all properly sized for their fixt ir fixture, never put a 100 watt bulb in a 60 wa b in a 60 watt fixture! 11. Are all electrical appliances installed according to manufacturer’s recommendations, including ventilation and minimum space requirements? 12. Have you contacted your local fire department and given them a layout of your farm layout so that they can find the animals quickly? 13. Do you have one of the new wireless remote smoke detectors that go off in your home when the barn detector goes off? 14. Is your gate locked? If so then get one of the SOS sendor 911 access via siren


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