Smart Agents magazine July 2024

Mastering Prospecting Friction with Michael Manrique of the Habit Guys

Michael Manrique, co-founder of the Habit Guys, says, “[in] most industries, there’s one action that if you repeat again and again and again, [you’ll] get the same results. And for a real estate agent, it’s prospecting.” While wonderfully straightforward, prospecting can often be an agent’s biggest challenge. “A lot of realtors face what I like to call prospecting friction,” he says, explaining that prospecting friction manifests in three different ways. The first is not knowing what to say or who to connect with; the second is battling nerves; and the third is an inability to focus. While these pitfalls are common enough and can seem like a call for more discipline, Manrique says

it is a matter of working with your brain instead of against it, “we recommend using our internal mechanisms to maximize the one action that’s going to lead to every realtor’s success.” Said another way, we need to make prospecting a habit. According to Manrique, a habit is “an action you do automatically. Without thinking about it.” Scoffing at the idea that you can create a habit? Think of your morning cup of coffee, tying your shoes, or Manrique’s go-to example of brushing your teeth. He says, “You don’t think, ‘Am I confident enough today to brush my teeth?’ No, you just pick up your toothbrush [and] brush your teeth,” Manrique explains that prospecting can become that easy by using the behavioral and neuroscience behind forming a habit.


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