Why would I do all this for you? That is the question that I know you must be asking yourself. To be totally transparent with you, if at any time you decide that you would rather not sell on your own for whatever reason and you decide you want to hire an agent, I want you to think of your friend and realtor Mark G. Phillips. (Don't worry I can wear two hats at the same time. Seriously, I've literally worn two hats at the same time on a New York subway while being interviewed by a news reporter. Send me an email if you would like to view the clip of me wearing two hats, I would love to share it with you for a quick chuckle. Why did I decide to wear two hats while being interviewed by the news reporter... just to show you that I can wear two hats at one time. ;- ) ) Additionally, you will have potential buyers looking at your home. However, only one buyer or family will end up purchasing your home. For those who didn't purchase your home, if they are not currently represented by an agent, you can refer them to me for me to give them a call. Lastly, utilizing this book to help you sell your home on your own with your own dexterity, I want to tell you CONGRATULATIONS. However, many of your family, friends and neighbors may not be that adventurous. I would like for you to have me contact them. If, after reading through this book, you decide you want to hire me to help you sell your home, I’d be more than happy to meet with you to discuss a specific plan to sell your home.

How's that for being totally transparent? Happy reading!

From your friendly neighborhood realtor... Mark G. Phillips.


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