kitchen is lighted.


If you wish to sell your home and you expect any problems to arise when staging it, you need to commit yourself to going through with whatever repairs and touch-ups it takes to make the house look presentable and sellable. Most buyers’ first impression of a house’s value is greatly influenced by their first sight of it. If there is any damage to your home, before staging, make sure you fix all of the problems and give the house its finishing touches. If you are still not sure it’s worth the time, effort, and money to go about the house nit-picking its flaws, here are some good reasons to make all repairs large and small before staging a house: • A house that is well maintained will get more and better offers. • If your house is in good shape, you have a better position from which to hold firm on its price. • Making necessary improvements and repairs, even minor aesthetic ones, has a huge impact on your odds of selling your home. • The showing and selling processes both become smoother and faster if everything is cleaned, repaired, and in place from before they ever see the home. • The value of your home may be reduced if repairs are not made before inspection. Most potential buyers will take advantage of any flaw in your home to bring down the price of the house—and you can expect every potential buyer to want the home inspected before they agree to anything. 36

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