Painting your front door a color that’s both eye-catching but neutral, and that matches the overall style of the exterior, is a great way to add curb appeal to sell your home for more. A contrast between the overall facade of your home and the front door will amp up your curb appeal. Architects from ancient to modern times know it’s important to give a building “a sense of entry.” If your house is a neutral color with black shutters, painting your front door red will provide a “wow” factor and bring more beauty to your home—as will adding a wreath on your door, or decorative plants. This creates a more positive, free-flowing atmosphere, making your home look more appealing to buyers. Your back door needs attention, too. If you have a sliding screen door to your backyard, check to see if it needs a new screen or if it needs to be adjusted on its tracks. There’s nothing worse than having something fall apart or not function properly when there’s a buyer in your home. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS IN CREATING GREAT CURB APPEAL: • Symmetry appeals to the eye and is easy to accomplish. Lopsided landscaping or unevenly trimmed bushes will detract from curb appeal; the overall appearance of the home needs balance. • The mailbox should complement your home. If it is worn, dated, or unsightly, replace it. This doesn’t cost much and is worthwhile. • Ample outdoor lighting adds to landscaping appeal and is a perceived safety feature. • Use flower boxes and raised flower beds to add instant color. This is an easy, inexpensive way to enhance curb appeal.


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