Expireds Guide - Authorify

This scenario, while not great, is typical, since most people are motivated by pain. Therefore, as real  estate agents, we need to find out the pain that motivated the expired seller to sell their home in the  first place.  

While there are different types of motivation, you will often discover that there is a hidden pain  point underneath a seemingly painless motivation. Here is a list of common motivators for sellers: 

● A job transfer or a new job opportunity  ● Starting or ending a relationship  ● Seeking a different school district   ● Caring for a sick or aging relative  ● Being closer to family or friends  

Now, here is a list of the corresponding pains that could be underneath these motivators: 

● Financial troubles, being laid off   ● Romantic trouble, infidelity, divorce   ● Kids struggling academically or socially in current school  ● Emotional guilt and/or obligation   ● Loneliness and isolation  

The best way to figure out the seller’s secret pain is to ask as many questions as possible and gather  as much information as you can. Once you have the exact information you need, things fall into  place fairly quickly — you’re able to “heal” the seller’s pain points and sell the home.   It’s also useful to remember the four things that motivate every decision people make. These four  things are: fear, desire, wants and needs. Let’s quickly go over how each one can motivate a seller  and how they are different.   ❏ Fear​ — Fear is a prime motivator for many sellers. A seller might fear not being able to sell  a home if they wait any longer. They may also fear the repercussions on their lives if they  don’t sell.   ❏ Desire​ — Do you think that desires and wants are one and the same? You aren’t alone, but  desires actually indicate a want that is longer term. Sellers may desire to live in a more  affluent neighborhood one day or get out of debt, for example. 


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