Expireds Guide - Authorify

And in this day and age, access to cellphone numbers is often a necessary challenge that can make  the process even more complicated. 

There are several different ways to find their phone numbers:  

Whitepages.com​ .​ This is a free service that can help you find basic contact information.  Intelius.​ (​ Intelius.com​ .) This service does have a monthly fee of $20, but it’s great for sourcing cell  phone numbers.  REDX.​ (​ TheRedx.com​ .) Though it does cost $60-70 a month, Redx is a terrific asset for agents  seeking contact information and more. This service can research hundreds of leads for you and will  provide landline (when present), as well as cell phone numbers. 

Once your leads are uploaded, the RedX system will automatically check the listing status and  provide you with an address and contact info. 

The biggest benefit of using the Redx is that you can download 500 Old Expired Leads from your  MLS, upload them into the Redx Expired Lead System, and they’ll do all the research work for you.   Don’t overlook the 1-3-year-old expireds!  

Here’s why. Yes, I’m aware that a 3-year-old expired sounds, well, old. But I know an agent who just  listed a $375,000 house because he went back that far. 

Finishing up a sale in a particular neighborhood, this agent decided he’d like to find more listings in  that area. He dug through the MLS and found a listing that had expired three years earlier. 

He figured he had nothing to lose, so he contacted the owner, and he was able to re-list the home!  Once it was on the market, the house sold very quickly, and the agent walked away with a nice  commission.  So when you begin searching for leads, don’t ignore those that have been expired for a significant  amount of time. Sometimes, those sellers are most ready to take advantage of a new market and  fresh opportunities. 


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