Expireds Guide - Authorify

Never fancied yourself a blogger? It’s simpler than you think. Whenever you learn  something new about your surrounding community, write an article about it. Write an  article about the new businesses coming in. Talk to the business owner and make the article  even more interesting. Nothing needs to be long; it’s the internet. Keep blog posts simple  and interesting.   ❏ Share your story with local media.   Showing up in your community media is a fantastic way to gain new fans and followers. Do  the research, and write a piece on the market and how it relates to expired homes. Then,  pitch the story to your local media outlets. Local real estate sections or websites that host  blogs specializing in real estate or neighborhood content will likely be interested.   ❏ Pump up your testimonials.   If you’ve ever sold an expired home, make sure everyone knows about it. Ask your previous  client for a testimonial and don’t be shy about asking, specifically, why they chose you to sell  the home and why they put faith in you. It’s these comments that will convince a new  prospect to put faith in you as well.   Even if it's a character review from a friend or someone who knows you but hasn’t been a  client, have them talk about why you're trustworthy, why you have the knowledge of the  area, and why you can sell homes that others haven't. Whoever you ask to weigh in, just  make your reviews tell a story of how you're the expert.   ❏ Write a book.   Authorify is a great way to get a book written without having to expend your own  resources, and having a book is a way to show your leads that you know plenty about their  situation. Visit Authorify.com and learn more about getting a book to grow your business.   ❏ Teach a community class.  Your community will certainly look to you as an expert if you teach a community class on  the expired market at the library or other enrichment center. Keep in mind this class should  be for expired leads — not other agents! That said, the material should focus on the reasons  homes expire and what steps to take when a home expires. Anyone who attends the class  and asks questions will make a great lead.   How do you deliver value to expired leads?  


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