Expireds Guide - Authorify

Once you’ve established yourself as the expireds expert, how do you make sure you deliver value so  that expired leads find you worthwhile as an agent? Value, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.  An expired does not necessarily care that you’ve sold other homes and earned other accolades if you  have not addressed THEIR concerns or questions and offered THEM solutions and resources.   Before actually speaking to a lead, the content you created will answer some of their questions and  segue into others. Remember, even if you haven’t talked one-on-one with them yet, they might be  Googling your name, so you’ll want to make sure that any content can offer general solutions to any  expired lead that searches for you.   If they do reach out to you (or you to them), a truthful conversation when the time comes will build  your value in their eyes. It’s always best to keep everything in their own language. Don't use real  estate jargon they don't understand. Ask them if they understand what you're offering as the  solution. Many times, people are afraid to look silly by asking a question. So during any  conversations, keep offering to answer questions about each solution you present. We will talk  more about these topics later.   Another way you can offer value is to present other resources to the lead. If you know painters,  home stagers, roofers, landscapers and other home-related contractors who are sure to make a  recently expired home shine on the market again, you’re even more attractive to expired leads.   Here’s the thing:​ expireds don't care as much if you pull up in a Bentley or a BMW; these things  might ordinarily prove success, but they don’t really want a flashy, successful person. ​ They simply  want someone who can help. ​ But after you help them, they are likely to trust you and list with  you — it’s the law of reciprocity.   Another great thing about working with expired leads and selling their homes is that it creates a  network of people who understand you to be an ideal agent to work with. After all, if you can sell a  home no one else believed in, you can sell any home out there. For that reason, expireds will often  become your most raving fans, and those raving fans are of course likely to turn into others. This  can be a great way to grow your business.   Of course, using these tricks aren’t the whole story. It’s still necessary to craft your own process and  your own system. Identify your own prospects in the local area, and choose exactly how you want to  position yourself as an expert to them. If something's not working, go back through the process  until you figure out the part that went off the rails so you can fix it. These are just the nuts and bolts  that you need to show expireds you can do the job.  


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