Expireds Guide - Authorify

marketing tidbit they didn’t know, a testimonial about a house you just sold and a client who had  lost hope until you came along and rescued them from the dank depths of despair.   Again, even with the best letter campaign ever, you simply have to follow up. There is no magic  letter out there that you can just mail out and have people call you. You might get lucky here and  there, but let's be real. If I decided to depend on luck for my business strategy, I might as well go buy  lottery tickets because it's not going to be consistent. It's not going to give me the return on  investment that I want. It's not going to give me the security. I want to build a healthy retirement  and pay whatever I need and want in life.   Wow Packages  Another idea is what I call a “wow package.” A wow package is similar to a letter because it comes in  the mail — but there’s a little more to it than a simple letter. One agent I spoke to had a book  ghostwritten, and he's mailing that out, showing that he is the agent who is ready to work with  expireds because he specializes in expireds. If you're going to mail out your own wow package, put  together a cover letter and something to bulk up the package, such as a book, magazine or branded  marketing materials — anything to make the envelope a little bit thicker.   There’s been studies done on this, but we know just from human experience that if we get  something in the mail and it feels different or stands out, it's going to get more attention and it's  going to get more engagement. And whatever you can do to make it more personal is great. Use  your hands to write someone’s name on the envelope. Write the address out. Don't even bother to  put your brokerage name; they don't care. If it looks like it's a personal piece of mail, people are  going to open it because they're curious.   Now, maybe you’re reading my ideas about letters and wow packages and the wheels are turning in  your head about the way you, personally, would do this. And that’s good. This is not a  one-size-fits-all process; you still have to figure out your budget, the time you have to spend on the  process and how to make it your own. For example, maybe you have less time and more money,  and you want to outsource some of these things. Whatever you choose, you still need a process  because if it didn't work the first time, you need to look at it and see why it didn't work and then  change whatever was holding it back.   Phone Calls  Next, let's talk about phone scripts. Now, phone scripts are just a piece of the puzzle. Cold calling is  going away fast, and agents who had success with it before are having less and less success,  especially with the way text messages have really taken over the last decade. Nevertheless, you still  need a basic phone script in your process. Here is one I use: 


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