Expireds Guide - Authorify

Grab attention quickly in just one or two lines of text. Try “Trouble selling your home?” or  something similar. #4: Link Description   Put this directly underneath the headline to provide more information and reinforce your offer. #5: Call-to-Action Button  Facebook has nine options. Choose the most relevant for your offer. There’s also a detailed,  step-by-step walk-through on how to set up these pages and your ads.  Running a house value blog article with a banner ad to your home value page is also a great way to  go. Expireds are interested in articles that address their situation. They’ll click on the article and be  directed to your site, then see that you are the expert in this niche.  All of these things give you a point of difference and can make you an online authority.  Troubleshooting Facebook Ads  Every Realtor® or agent will have a few Facebook ads that don’t bring in leads. Here are some tips  on troubleshooting ads that fail to generate leads. Bad Ad Copy  People don’t usually use Facebook to buy things related to their housing search or sale, so they’ll  ignore anything stale or unengaging. What gets clicks — and eventually leads — is providing  information. Pique readers’ interest by offering a free home valuation or some sort of evaluation.  Create an ad that answers the important questions people in your niche are asking. Show them you  want to help solve their problem.   Including a question in your ad copy is a good way to engage readers and get them to click your  call-to-action button.  Targeting the Wrong Audience  It’s important to create the right custom audience. Upload your contacts to the audience list in  Facebook Ad Builder. When you first post something on Facebook, you will have the option to  “Boost” the post. Do not do this until you have your audience groups set up.  


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