Expireds Guide - Authorify

You can do the research and find things out, but until you talk to the lead directly, you aren’t truly  going to understand them the way you would after a conversation on the phone or in person.   After sending marketing materials to the leads you were able to generate, make sure you follow up. 

There is no guarantee that the seller will read your materials or even remember to call you when  they are ready to hire an agent. ​ That’s why you have to follow up with them.  

Send a simple thank you note a few days after sending mail. This way, they'll remember you.  

You can also follow up by email or phone. Find out if they have any questions about you or the sale  of their house with this simple phone script:  

The reason I’m calling is because you had your home for sale with another Realtor a little while ago... and it  didn’t sell.  

I was wondering if you were interested in selling your home with the HOT Market we have right now?” 

If they say ​ “Yes,”


I’ve got some different strategies that might be able to sell your house, even though it didn’t sell before. Would  you mind if I stopped by sometime to look at your home to see if one of those strategies could get it sold? 

If they say “No,” say:  

Do you think you might consider selling sometime down the road? 

(Try and set up a future appointment or say you’ll check in several months down the road.)  

Step 3: Set up an appointment. ​ “What’s a good time I could stop by and take a quick look at the home?” (Schedule the appointment!) Start Off By Asking Them, "In Your Opinion, Why Didn't It Sell"? 

This is important so you know what their expectations are and what they need to have addressed.  Of course, they are not the expert and may be completely off base. This question will also go a long 


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