Expireds Guide - Authorify

If you look at those numbers and no other homes come on the market, that means you  would have 13 months of homes on the market, right?  Let’s say 345 homes come on the market in the following month. What do you think that  does for the value of your home when it has that much competition and that few buyers  looking for a home?  2. Be on their side.​ All of us have our sellers’ best interests at heart. Tell them that you don’t  want to reduce the price, but the market is telling you that is what must be done.  Here is what you say when the seller tells you that you are just trying to reduce their price to  get their home sold quickly so you can get paid:  “A home is only worth what a buyer is willing to pay. And all of the buyers are being subjected to  your home because it is being advertised and all the other Realtors know about it. But so far, no buyer  has been willing to pay $279,000. So it must be a problem with the price. Doesn’t that make sense?’’  Using the above methods, I am able to get unmotivated sellers to reduce their prices. I told  the former seller I talked about all the reasons he needed to sell his home.  He realistically was not very motivated to sell. I told him that he could sell today for  $172,000 or in 6 months for $165,000. The logic was simple and that is why he took the  price lower than what he really wanted.  Which Sellers are Worth Listing  There is nothing crazier than seeing another real estate agent list a house for $450,000 that comps  out at $250,000. Agents get so desperate for business that they’ll take anything they can get.  The key to success in real estate is just like anything else. You have to select the good customers and  get rid of the rest. Banks do this when they reject the bad borrowers and only lend to the ones most  likely to pay.  Agents get so ‘’busy’’ chasing down unmotivated prospects and working with unmotivated seller  listings and unmotivated buyers. They have no time for any profitable customers if they were able  to find them.  Then, they wonder why they are going broke.  Here is the best way to determine whether or not to take a listing. Several of the most successful  agents I have known use this method. Ask the seller questions to gauge their motivation. 


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