Expireds Guide - Authorify

Motivation is everything. Motivated sellers who are broke will want to overprice their homes in the  beginning but will be realistic with the price when they have to move out of town for their job  transfer.  Don’t take a listing just based on the price they want for the home. If they are in foreclosure, three  months from losing the home, they are going to want every penny they can get because they need  the money.  They will overprice in the beginning, but the foreclosure will force them to price the home right.  There are two main things to look for with a seller. Let’s quickly go through them below:  1. Motivation. Ask themwhere they are moving.​ Then, ask why they are moving. Then,  ask what’s important to them about the move.   A lot of people believe that the universe will give you what you ask of it. Whatever you  believe, if you ask sellers to gauge their motivation, they will tell you.  You will be amazed at what people tell you if you just ask them.   “We are moving to Omaha because I am being transferred there for a great job that is paying more  money, and we’ll be closer to family.” 2. What’s important about the move?  “I would say that I can give my family a better life. I’ll make more money, we can buy a bigger house,  and Omaha has lower crime and safer schools.  “And Robin’s parents will be only two hours away in Suskebush. I’m really looking forward to the  move, and I’m starting my job in 2 months.”  Now you know you have a motivated seller worth listing. Even if they want to list high in the  beginning, you can call them every week and get the price down to a realistic one, then sell the  home and collect a commission.  The current real estate market requires more work to sell our listings than the white hot market of  2005 or 2006. But, it’s easier to sell listings if we have a system in place.  Here is the system I recommend to keep your sellers happy and get prices reduced:  ● First, ​ call them every week​ on a Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon. By this time, you will  have showing feedback from the weekend showings. Tell them what happened with their  home this week and if necessary, ask for a price reduction. 


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