Expireds Guide - Authorify

You can be a godsend to expired sellers. This sounds like a crazy claim, doesn’t it? Fortunately, it’s  pretty easy. Simply bring the expireds a new strategy that will sell their house.  For example, when a certain house expired near me, I did some quick research and discovered that  the house didn’t show well. Why not? It was vacant — eerily empty — and it had a very strange floor  plan, which only looked weirder in the absence of furnishings and proper staging.   I remember contacting the seller and talking to her about it. I told her how staged homes tend to sell  for 5% to 10% more money. I told her she needed to stage her house and that I knew someone who  could stage it for free.   She was very interested and talked to me. She and her husband lived four hours away. They met me  the next time they came to town, and I listed their house.   I only did one thing differently from the other agents who had contacted the couple. But that one  thing got me the listing ... and a $7,200 commission!  Here’s what I did: When I contacted the sellers, I suggested staging the house. I brought them a  solution to their problem.  Here’s how to bring expireds a ready-to-go solution:   You say, “Your home isn’t selling because of X problem. However, if you do Y, then your home will  sell. And here’s some proof that Y works and will sell your home.”  We will talk about reasons a home didn’t sell later in this guide, and you can share these reasons  with sellers. When you do that, you’re going to get listings. Every expired listing has a problem that  has kept it from selling; if you can offer a solution for that problem, you’ll practically be a godsend  to the sellers!  Remember, always back up your claims with statistics.​ Whenever I talked about staging and  how it causes homes to sell for more money, I provided real-life examples of different homes that  sell for different prices.  


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