Whatever you decide to do with your walkway, always ensure that there is no overgrowth anywhere, especially around the concrete or wood itself. Keep in mind that incorporating too much decoration will make your walkway look cluttered and disorganized, so remember to keep a decent balance, keep it elegant, and don’t go overboard. If you’re going to decorate your walkway, regardless of what it’s made of, go easy on the decorations and lawn ornaments. Though having a couple of them is definitely a cute, fun idea that helps to make gardens and walkways pop, it’s a terrible idea to bring in an entire army of them. Instead, keep a limit of about 4 or 5, depending on how big your walkway is, and how many flowers, rocks, trees, and other aesthetic elements it already has.


Painting your front door in a color that’s attractive, eye-catching, and in keeping with the overall style of the exterior of the home is also a great way to add curb appeal in order to sell your home for more money. Having a contrast between the overall facade of your home and the front door will ensure that your curb appeal is amped up. For example, if your house is white or gray and has black shutters, painting your front door red will create a more mysterious feel to it, and bring more beauty to your home. Adding a wreath on your door, a potted plant by the entrance, or having boxed planters lined up on your porch near the front door will help bring in a more positive, free-flowing atmosphere, making your home look like an absolute dream home to buyers. Ensure that your front door has a fresh coat of paint, that the knob is polished, and that any pieces that need replacing are replaced before your home is put onto the market.

Your back door also needs attention. For example, if you have a


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