Authorify Seller Sample Book

Internet access on a desktop and relying instead on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. That’s not to say that desktop visits are obsolete, as most website visits are still performed via desktop, but access via a mobile device is definitely on the rise. The clear implication of this trend for home marketing is to ensure your listing is mobile-friendly and listed on sites with easy-to-navigate mobile applications. Again, these listings will make extensive use of photos, floor plans, and videos that depict the home at its best. If you choose to set up a standalone website, ensure that it’s either mobile-friendly by default or a hybrid that can easily switch between desktop and mobile versions. With all the attention on the Internet and social media marketing, direct mail marketing via old school “snail mail” might seem antiquated. However, direct mail is still a highly effective way to deliver an effective, targeted message—if used correctly. As proof of that statement, think of how many direct mail pieces you get each year selling a home in your area. Prospective buyers between the ages of 18 and 34 (millennials) are predicted to become the largest home- buying group. Stan Humphries, chief economist at Zillow, reports that, “Roughly 42 percent of millennials say they want to buy a home in the next one to five years.” DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISING


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