Authorify Seller Sample Book

CHAPTER 13 Common Seller Negotiating Mistakes

Negotiating the sale of your home can be intimidating. This part of the real estate home sales transaction is among the most important aspects, as it determines the selling price of your home. Both buyer and seller are working to get the best deal and usually only one can “win.” This may also be among the most important professional services that working with a real estate agent offers. The two major elements of negotiation are 1) motivation; and 2) skill. A motivated buyer wants the best deal, and you, the seller, want the best price. A skilled negotiator is an expert at working under the pressures of competition, time, information, and communication. If you’re not trained or experienced in negotiating tactics—or if you are not armed with sufficient knowledge and a winning attitude—you can easily become overwhelmed and end up making too many concessions on terms and price. However, by learning how real estate negotiations work and how to apply appropriate techniques, you can get the price you want from buyers. This chapter focuses on how you can avoid the mistakes sellers frequently make when preparing for and engaging in negotiations with buyers.


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