Kevin Strawter - HOME FOR HEROES

Simply put, a real estate agent is someone licensed to list and sell real estate, including homes, multi-family properties, commercial, and industrial buildings. A Realtor®, however, is somewhat different. A Realtor® is a member of the National Association of Realtors®. While an agent is always a real estate agent, a real estate agent isn’t always a Realtor®. As mentioned, real estate agents who work on behalf of the best interests of the buyer are commonly called buyer’s agents. All listing agents represent the seller, but other agents who don’t have buyer-agency agreements with prospective buyers — even though they may show homes to those buyers — are working on behalf of the seller and must obtain the best price they can for the seller. ***Also be reminded that if you are working with me and decide to take a drive and call the realtor on a sign and they show you the home, you belong to them. They are they procuring agent because they opened the door to let you in. By chance if you go to an open house without me for some unknown reason, you can register me as your realtor and I can protect you.*** Most buyers do not know this. In contrast, buyer’s agents work on commission, which is contracted in the listing agreement. When a buyer’s agent brings the buyer, the listing agent must split the contracted commission with the buyer’s agent.


You might feel the urge to pick the first real estate agent who appeals to or approaches you, but that’s something to avoid. As with any professional, there are degrees of professionalism, dedication, and experience. The “wow factor” will simply wear


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