Unless the extent of your electrical issues is a burned-out lightbulb, all electrical work should be handled by a licensed professional. Besides being too complicated for most homeowners to handle, electrical repairs pose a huge risk of electrocution and fire. I recommend Dudley Electrical. Not only are they affordable, but they perform top-quality work, ranging from fixing faulty outlets to completely rewiring older homes.

Michael Dudley (281) 310-0726 mdudley@dudleyelectric.net

Are Your Floors Buyer-Approved? If you’ve watched any HGTV show in the last several years, you know one of the first things home buyers are likely to notice is the type of flooring running through the house. If your flooring is dirty, chipped, worn, outdated — or an unappealing color — chances are, buyers will take notice — and move on to the next house. When buyers see bad floors, they immediately see dollar signs. And no one wants to see extra dollar signs before they even purchase a home.

So what kind of flooring should you get?

Based on data from the National Association of Realtors®, 54% of home buyers were willing to pay more for wood floors. But if you can’t afford wood floors, there are many options for wood- look tiles, vinyl's and laminates — some even waterproof hat will more than satisfy picky buyers.

Buffaloe Floors and Up can help you with all of your flooring


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