While that statement may seem like a no-brainer, it’s imperative you understand this. Strip away misconceptions, such as the idea that “worth” determines the sale price of a house. Now you are free to examine the real factors at work. Identify those factors, and you can leverage them in your favor. Take Millie and Richard, for example. They owned townhouses, only five doors apart. Both put their homes on the market at the same time. The builder had used the same floor plan for all the townhouses in their neighborhood. Both had the same layout. At first glance, each townhouse seemed to hold the same basic appeal for a buyer. You might think they were “worth” the same amount. Nope. Millie and Richard sold their homes within one month of each other. These townhouses seemed identical, but there was a $24,000 difference in sale price!

• Cheryl sold her home for $412,000. • Richard sold his for only $388,000.

Why the large gap in price? In a later chapter, you’ll see exactly what Cheryl did to make more money on her home. For now, just know that you simply can’t afford to guess the “worth” of a home!


• Homes that don’t sell easily aren’t always overpriced. Houses don’t always sell for what they are “worth.” • The selling price of a home is merely the final amount agreed upon by the buyer and seller. • The most skilled agent use special techniques that can help


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