hire an inspector, so you might even be saving them a step.

Replacing antiquated wiring and plumbing isn’t cheap. If you have mechanical issues and decide to sell your home as is, you might have to lower your selling price. Turning to a professional for an opinion can help. You can also choose to wait and negotiate with buyers. Sometimes, you’ll get lucky and find a buyer who’s already interested in remodeling. Sometimes you find a buyer who has certification in that area, and will buy the house for a lower price and plan to do his or her own work. If you’re unable to update and repair, be honest, upfront, and flexible. An interested buyer will work with you. If you can update, figure out which fixes you can handle. Then, note any fixes requiring professional work. Finally, note anything you wish you could fix. Start with the easiest items, and work down the list. Remember the 80/20 rule, and focus your efforts on the updates and repairs that bring the greatest returns!


• Adding inexpensive storage can increase your home’s appeal to buyers. • Often, creating another bedroom is as simple as adding a closet to an unused area. • Before making additions, study what other homes in your market have to offer. • Consider hiring professionals to maintain or upgrade plumbing, electrical, HVAC, or other mechanical systems.


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