by Rick Davis - This Incredible Adventure Called Life

scary (X) Go to Club Med for a week (X) Water ski with my father (X) Go deep sea fishing with my father (X) Go fishing in the Chesapeake Bay with my father ( ) Go fishing anywhere and actually catch something, I am the world's worst fisherman (X) Cook Thanksgiving every year with my mother (X) Sneak off to the local tavern for “soda” with my Grandpa (X) Listen to my Grandmother Birtha whistling with her birds (X) Go cross country camping in a pop-up camper with my family (X) Sleep on the dry river bed of the Red River in Texas, pray it doesn't rain upstream (X) Sleep on top of the cliffs of Grand Junction, Colorado, you can almost touch the stars (X) Go to the top of Pikes Peak (X) Swim in the Atlantic (X) Swim in the Pacific (X) Swim in the Gulf of Mexico (X) Swim at Waikiki Beach in Hawaii (X) Visit every one of the 48 continental states (X) Visit Alaska - June of this year! (X) Visit Hawaii - one week on each of the four big islands ( ) Aprenda como hablar a espanol. (X) Design a house from scratch (X) Build the house, build dozens of custom homes (X) Build a road, real public roads, four of them (X) Drive a bull dozer, backhoe, excavator, pan, loader (X) Drive a farm tractor (X) Buy my own farm tractor, with a plow & bush hog, loader (X) Drive a big dump truck ( ) Drive and back up an 18-wheeler, I suck at backing up (X) Ride the Superman roller coaster at Six Flags ( ) Fly a para-plane slowly over the beach ( ) Fly a hang glider at Kitty Hawk, NC - planned for 2024


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