by Rick Davis - This Incredible Adventure Called Life

Business Failures and Missed Opportunities

My idea was a website where you could go online and buy anything. Sounds just like doesn't it? So, before there was an Amazon I bought that's better than than don't you think? Or so I thought - turns out the guy that I had help me buy the website put it in his name and kept it for himself.

Well dadgummit, you can't win em all!

So, let's look at my history and thoughts regarding a career. I decided a long time ago, when I was in high school, not to follow the normal 9 to 5 job pattern. I wanted to work hard when I worked and in my free time I wanted to relax and play! I used to watch my father work what seemed like all day every day. He would get a couple of weeks off every year for vacation. We took some great vacations! Dad would work hard and had jobs that required tremendous responsibility and pressure to perform. He worked for AT&T (Ma Bell) where his military background gave him the skills and security clearance required to work at Scott Air Force Base in the Long Lines Division. His work team was responsible for keeping the country’s communication system up and running between the federal government and the United States Military after nuclear war. Dad traveled a lot; he spent his time between his office in Belleville and deep in the Colorado mountains at NORAD in Colorado. He allowed me to join him at the " microwave radio-


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