by Rick Davis - This Incredible Adventure Called Life

Cancer Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Jan. of 2020

I got lucky, again, and was placed under the care of the head of the Leukemia Dept. at Johns Hopkins. The first time I met Dr. Levis he told me I had AML and it had an 80% morbidity rate. Then he said it was going to be extra tough because I was fat, had diabetes and high blood pressure. He gave me some heavy-duty chemotherapy and by the time they did a follow-up bone marrow biopsy test in August, after four chemo treatments, I was 100% cancer free! Of the four hospital stays, the last two were for 30 days each. I am a believer in keeping a positive attitude so I posted 40 pictures of my family up on the wall. I had a projector that played a video of the sunrise and gentle waves at a beach in Hawaii every morning (see picture below).


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