by Rick Davis - This Incredible Adventure Called Life

every day, the Metro subway wasn’t even built yet, Metro opened in the late 70’s. 1969 was a life changing period for me, it was great! I have an entire chapter later in the book that is just about 1969 and everything that changed for me. In 1984 Ma Bell was divided into seven “Baby Bells” Dad assumed new responsibilities and moved into building construction and management as a facilities site director of AT&T’s data centers. Memories from my youngest brother, Jeff: “Not sure what year it was but dad was responsible for the retrofit of an office building he turned into a data center in Vienna VA on Chainbridge Rd. and the migration from the Washington DC site to the new site in Vienna. I later worked at this location which is where Cris and I met and she fell in love with me. He later started a data center in Silver Spring MD which is where he and I worked in the same building for about 18 months. This was his last location before retiring in 87. Dad was well respected by other managers and the union workers I talked to and all thought he was a good manager, friendly and “extremely fair”. I truly enjoyed visiting with him in his big office every so often when I would get off work at 0800. He was always encouraging and gently pushing me to work hard, get along and learn the latest technology so could advance. He opened the door for me at ATT when we was just 19 looking for a summer job but I stayed there 15 years, they paid for my degree, I met my wife there and the data center business became my career. I can’t begin to express my gratitude. I’m so proud I became a facilities site director like my dad and brother.


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