by Rick Davis - This Incredible Adventure Called Life

working, but there was nothing really left for me to accomplish. I had done everything I set out do and accomplished more than I could have imagined. I had considerable good fortune along the way, including working with my brother Jeff for several years while at AOL. An interesting thing about my career choices is the last 5 jobs I took, I wasn’t looking for a job. Someone sought me out to tell me about an opportunity and I took it. I don’t regret a single move even though they were often difficult to make. None more so than going to work for AOL since they were headquartered in Virginia and it would be the impetus of us leaving Maryland and taking up residence in Virginia. A move that looking back was great for me and a great place for us to raise our family. I was fortunate to have a career that required me to travel. As I traveled to various locations including Europe and East Asia, I got the bug to see other parts of the world. Here is a sample of the places I’ve been too, many with Laura and the kids: · 44 or 50 states (excludes, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, ND, SD and Alaska) · Tokyo Japan, Seoul Korea and Shanghai China · Cazamel, Cancun and Queretero Mexico · Montreal and Toronto, Canada · Amsterdam, London, Monaco · Osterode, Berlin, Munich, and Frankfurt Germany · Austria and Switzerland · Paris and Cannes, France · Athens, Mykonos and Santorini Greece · Rome, Tuscany, Venice, Naples, Positano, Amalfi, & Milan Italy o Stood in the Sistine Chapel, St Peters square, the Roman Colosseum, ridden a gondola and marveled at Michelangelo’s Pieta and David. · Madrid, Seville, Toledo, Salamanca, & Granada Spain · Portugal and Morocco


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