by Rick Davis - This Incredible Adventure Called Life

has a million family pictures.

Chapter one includes my bucket list and an overview of my life’s philosophies and finally my favorite quotes. As an example, from the movie Brave Heart, William Wallace says "Everyone dies but not everyone really lives". I say make sure you really live your life and if I die before you do, I'll go to heaven and wait for you. Don't forget - Life is not measured by the number of breaths that you take but by the times that life takes your breath away!

Below is a summary of things that I have done so far and the best is yet to come. Some would call it a bucket list. A long time ago I started writing down the “100 Things I Want to do Before I Die”. Note that there over 250 things on the list now. When I blew through the first 100 I just kept going, like Forest Gump said, "just keep running".

My favorite sound is recess at an elementary school My favorite smell is bread baking


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