Jim Curry - Home Buyers Guide V2 Book

ADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS OF USING AN AGENT Below is a short list of advantages of using a buyer’s agent:

• Education and experience • Neighborhood knowledge • Market conditions knowledge • Price guidance • Acting as b uff ers • Professional networking • Negotiation skills • Handling paperwork • Answering questions a ft er closing • Developing relationships for future business

While this represents a basic list of the bene fi ts of hiring a professional real estate agent, let’s dig a little deeper into some of the major bene fi ts of retaining the services of an agent. SAVING MONEY IS NOT LIKELY Despite what many new buyers assume, skipping out on hiring a real estate agent is no guarantee that you’ll save money by avoiding paying the commission fee. Th e point of not using the professional services of an experienced real estate agent is usually to save money, but the truth is that do-it-yourself buyers rarely get the deal they’re a ft er without an agent by their side, and end up paying more in the long run. Some buyers even expect, rather than just hope, to save money, and make an o ff er on a home accordingly. However, unless both the buyer and the seller agree to split the savings, then they can’t both save on the commission. REAL ESTATE MARKET KNOWLEDGE AND ACCESS


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