Jim Curry - Home Buyers Guide V2 Book

with the sound of all that hissing and slithering in the walls. Now that’s the st uff o f a horror movie! Eventually, they couldn’t take it anymore, and even though they waged war against these creatures, who seemed to think the home was theirs, they lost, and had t o fl ee their “dream” home. So, what happened? It turns out that even though they had signed a document that noted a snake infestation, their agent assured them, and reassured them, that the snakes were just a story made up by the previous owners, who had defaulted on their mortgage. In the end, the couple had to fi le for bankruptcy and the house was repossessed, and they le ft right a ft er their daughter was born, a ft er just three months of living there (and three months of hell living with an d fig hting o ff s nakes). Key Takeaway: Th e moral of the story here is to hire a buyer’s agent who cares more about his/her client’s best interests than about selling a particular home (in this case, the agent fl at-out lied), as well as to have your own thorough home inspection done by a professional (the couples chose to ignore this step and trusted the agent was telling the truth). HOW TO GAIN AN ADVANTAGE: Th e biggest takeaway here is that you want to avoid the mistakes that these buyers made. You might assume, “Well, that would never happen to me!” but that’s an assumption you simply can’t a ff ord to make. Be careful. Be smart. Th ese nightmares are real, and they happen. Don’t let them happen to you! You have to do your due diligence throughout the entire home- search and home-buying process, even if things become complicated, or even if you have to go through a few buyer’s agents 71

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