Authorify - First Time Buyer Book Preview

own). Down payments vary; 20% is preferred and gets the best rates. There are some loans that allow down payments as low as 3%. Sometimes, relatives contribute to the down payment. If you have an opportunity, take a gift rather than a loan because lenders will add that debt to other monthly obligations and potential mortgage payments to determine your debt-to-income ratio, which generally can’t top 43% to qualify for a home loan. • Can you afford the monthly mortgage and its components? Generally, a mortgage includes loan principal and interest (both amortized over the life of the loan) plus homeowner’s insurance and property taxes (which are pro-rated). These items can affect the monthly loan-only payment by several hundred dollars. • Are you emotionally ready? Can you handle the stress? A big factor to consider when buying a home is stress. The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, a landmark stress study, ranks many events that go along with buying a home in the top 43 most stressful circumstances in life. Four events are specifically home-related: change in financial state (No. 16), large mortgage or loan (No. 20), change in living conditions (No. 28) and change in residence (No. 32). If someone has recently made other life changes such as marriage (No. 7), switching careers (No. 18) or having a child (No. 14), it might be wise to postpone buying a home. Stress overload can lead to missed payments, which can destroy your credit or even make you lose your home. It’s better to rent if your


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