This, in turn, means there are more hours every day to do something else — whether it’s a leisurely walk, exercise, volunteering, a neglected activity or hobby, time with family or friends, travel, or even just resting with a good book. By downsizing, you’ve now claimed more time for yourself and your priorities in your golden years.

9. Less Stress

Who doesn’t want less stress? This is a major motivating factor for many areas of life. Homeowners who have gone through the process of downsizing are generally much happier in their new home, and their new lifestyle, as they’re no longer overwhelmed by the demands that owning and maintaining a larger home often brings. The increased cashflow, along with less responsibility and more flexibility will, when added together, reduce stress considerably. Paring down your possessions (decluttering) as you downsize helps you to truly appreciate your new home and increase your enjoyment of it, which helps to reduce stress. It’s been proven that too much clutter increases stress because it’s just not conducive to a comfortable living situation. There’s just too much stuff, which can get in the way, and you’ll have a hard time finding things. By having less stuff and becoming more organized, you will simplify your life while enjoying reduced stress levels.

10. More Peace and Security

A major benefit of downsizing is the peace and security that comes with making that big decision and having successfully downsized from your current home into a smaller dwelling.

You will have peace of mind that you downsized before it was too


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