4. “I don’t see the point of selling.”

Some of you reading this book might be tempted to dwell on how much money, time, and energy you’ll need to put toward preparing your home to sell. You might be focused on short-term challenges rather than long-term benefits. As a result, you don’t think downsizing is worth it. But if you’re concerned about money, then it most definitely is worth it. You can gain a serious financial advantage by downsizing. Whether you’ve already retired or you’re nearing retirement, selling a larger home — particularly if the mortgage has already been paid off — can give you a significant financial return. You can do your own research to see how much money you can gain from selling — better yet, hire a real estate agent who can do this for you. This extra money can be used to pad your savings account; to help you live comfortably during retirement; to allow you to finally enjoy some leisurely time or even travel; to invest in something like a cabin, a boat, or rental property; and to spend more time visiting family who don’t live nearby.

5. “I don’t want to leave my neighborhood.”

Some longtime homeowners are reluctant to leave not only their current home but also their neighborhood. Perhaps you’ve lived in your particular area for decades, maybe even your entire life. You know your neighbors well; you’ve made friendships; you’re connected to the community. If downsizing requires you to move out of the neighborhood you’re attached to and into a new one, you might feel uprooted and have a difficult time accepting this transition.

But remember when you pictured your neighborhood 3-10 years


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