AFY Jim Dilley - FSBO V1 Book

Don’t create an advertisement like the ads for every other house in the area. Turn a spotlight on something different about your home. You will attract interested buyers willing to pay full price.


Find something unique about your home and build advertisements around that one item. It will catch people’s attention. Buyers who are looking for that one item will ask to come see your home in person. As a result, you will stop wasting time showing to people who are not interested. Instead, you will be showing your home to buyers who are motivated to make a purchase. You won’t have to show quite so often. You also won’t have to sift through lowball offers from apathetic buyers. Less stress for you. Take time to uncover your home’s most attractive and unique features. Compare notes with other houses in the neighborhood to see what makes yours stand out.


Each house has unique features. You may already have some in mind. If not, these ideas should get you started:

• Hilltop views are an excellent defining feature. As with the earlier example, a high vantage point offers a


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