Personal Development Guide - Authorify

Instead, think about your answers more in terms of your business values. If you’re in real estate,  think about what you portray through your marketing, through your business message, through  your social media posts and everything else. You want to show your clients what you believe in and  what your core values are — both on a personal level and in relation to the product you provide.   For example, there is nothing wrong with communicating to your clients how much you love  selling homes to families who are looking for their dream house — maybe people who are looking  for beachfront or waterfront properties or the perfect mountain view. You would certainly  communicate that through your marketing and through your business message. This is how you're  going to attract that ideal customer.   When you strive to communicate with customers in a certain way on all points of contact, from  blogs to emails to social media, you will find yourself attracting the right customers and ideally  repelling the wrong ones, based on the messaging you're putting out there. And instead of resorting  to throwing up your hands and saying, “I don't want to work with you!” or having unpleasant  encounters with clients, you can let your message and your voice be the natural filter.  


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