Personal Development Guide - Authorify

Recruiting Support for Your  Personal Growth Journey  

Let's talk about how to actually recruit support for your life — how to find these people, what to say  to them, and how to get them on your side so you get that “push” for your next life milestone.   What Kind of People Should Support You?   First of all, when you go out and recruit support from others, make sure you know exactly who  you're getting it from. Ask yourself these three questions to see if the individual you’re considering  is the right person for your support team.   ● Do they want me to succeed?   Sometimes, the unfortunate truth about friends or family is that you think they want the  best for you, but they don't really want to see you go to the next level and leave them  behind. So the first question to ask is, does this person want you to succeed? I know that  may sound harsh, but the reality is that some people don’t want you to excel. It’s OK to  follow your gut on this, too.   ● Will they be happy for me when I do succeed?  If you called up a friend or family member or whomever you're getting support from and  told them about a big success or a lofty goal you just achieved, how do you think they would  react? If you don’t think they’d be ecstatic for you or curious to know more, they probably  aren't the right person to offer you support. You want people who share your happiness  over good news.   ● Will they offer positive support throughout my journey?  Remind yourself that you want to focus on positive support, not negative. Not all feedback  and “noise” is good support, especially if it's from somebody who wants to sabotage you or  who doesn't want to see you pass them by in life.   Locate Your Support Team  Not every member of your support team will live inside your house. There are actually a lot of  different possibilities. Yes, the obvious first choice are close friends and family. Depending on what 


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