Personal Development Guide - Authorify

In some cases, your limiting beliefs don’t come from yourself; sometimes, they come from another  person with influence over your life — like your mother and father. Even if they didn’t intend to  pass on their own limiting beliefs, you may have inherited or learned them over time. Write those  things down, as well. Put them all on paper. Remember, you don't need to share this with anybody.   Reprogram Your Thinking.   Once you have those limiting beliefs listed, write down some ideas on how to reprogram that type  of thinking. Say to yourself, ​ How can I change this ? ​ What can I do to overcome this limiting belief? Are  there different ways to think about this?  Once you have ideas on how to rework your thoughts in a positive way, try these thoughts on for  size. Test them, and revisit these limiting beliefs on a regular basis, rewriting them all using the new  way of thinking.   The sad truth is, we can self-sabotage ourselves with our inner voice. There’s a great book out there  that I really recommend called ​ The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. This book talks about that  inner voice and how it sabotages our success and makes us generally unhappy. Often, we speak very  negatively — or most of us do — in our own heads.   Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night thinking and worrying about things that in the  big scheme of life weren’t that important? That's your negative inner voice. Fortunately, how you  respond to it and change it can help you overcome it.  

Here is an example of what I mean. An old limiting belief might be: 

I​ 'll never be fit. I can't lose any weight.  

A new way to talk to yourself would be​ : 

I love working out. I enjoy eating healthy food, and I hate McDonald's.

Start telling yourself the new script and reprogramming your negative thoughts. This is your life  and your script. So remember, you don't need to write someone else's script — your dad's script or  even your spouse's — into your life. Your own script should be what you believe is going to help  you achieve results.  

Here are a few more examples of how to reprogram certain negative thoughts.  


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