Personal Development Guide - Authorify

Table of Contents   INTRODUCTION  Is Personal Development Worth It?​ .................Page 4  How to Learn Something New as an Adult​ ..................Page 7  Understanding What Motivates You​ ..................Page 9 

What are Your Personal Values? How Can You Establish Them?​ .............Page 11  Recruiting Support for Your Personal Growth Journey​ ..................Page 13  Overcoming Limiting Beliefs that Hold You Back​ ..................​ Page 16 

How to Start Every Day Feeling Great​ ..................Page 19  Start Your Own Meditation Routine​ .................Page 21 5 Components for Your Ideal Day​ .................Page 22  5 Secrets for a Productive Workday​ ..................Page 25  3 Easy Tips for Fridays​ ..................Page 27 

Increase Productivity by Removing Distractions​ .................Page 28  6 Ways to Start Over After Setback or Failure​ .................Page 31 What Does it Mean to Be Efficient?​ .................Page 33  Quiz: Are You Inefficient?​ ..................Page 36  How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Into the Learning Zone​ ........Page 38  Building Trust and Rapport with Others​ ..................Page 40  Set the Tone: Tips for Smoother Communication​ ..................Page 43 


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